Thursday, 14 August 2008


More and more often I wonder if moving from Malmö was the biggest mistake of my life so far. I miss my room, the streets I used to wander, the cafés, the stores, the atmosphere and the life I used to live there. The sad thing about growing old is that you constantly have to think about the future. What you want to do with your life and where you can see yourself in a few years. For me school was the conclusive factor. I had to move somewhere where I could get the education I needed for the job I wanted in the future. And so the Swedish school of textiles in Borås was my choice. Unfortunately that wasn't where I ended up, but at another department at the university college of Borås, the department where you become an economist. I don't regret that choice since I'm very happy with my education, but I dearly miss my Malmö. Almost every day.

Monday I will be going there visiting my friends and the apartment I used to live in. Can't wait.

1 comment:

Fifikoussout said...

Hej :)
i am glad you're back blogging :D
and this post is personal and nice :)
don't worry, you can always come back in Malmö once you're done with your education :) good luck with your re-exam <3