Saturday, 29 December 2007


The last couple of days my bankaccount has been drained. I don't think that I have ever spent as much money at the same time on clothes in my whole life. And the most fantastic thing is that I love every garment equally as much. Unfortunately I can't find any photos of them on the internet, except from my Carin Wester-skirt (which I didn't buy on sale).

As I was going to pay it I actually found out that it is called "twist skirt" and I found the name just as adorable as the skirt itself.

I also bought a Pour femme jacket/tails, a Velour dress and a pair of Velour pants (also looking a bit "suit-ish"). I can almost promise that there will be pictures of those garments later on in the blog.

Anyway, I hope you have had a wonderful christmas and that you new years will be just as great as mine!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

kjolen ser verkligen finfin ut, väntar med spänning på att få se den på =)